Rapid Resolution Therapy™ is an innovative therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Jon Connelly. It is a fast, effective treatment for many of life’s problems, including:

– Posttraumatic Stress
– Nightmares/Insomnia
– Anxiety
– Panic Attacks
– Depression
– Grief
– Heartbreak
– Low Self-Esteem
– Relationship Issues
– Sexual Issues
– Substance Addiction/Dependency
– Obsessions/Compulsions
– Self-Destructive Behaviors
– Anger/Resentment
– Guilt/Shame
– Jealousy


If you have been stuck and unable to successfully change your feelings, thoughts, or behaviors it is likely that you are being affected by experiences from your past. Sometimes traumatic experiences are remembered but often they are forgotten.


When fueled by the ongoing influence of traumatic past events, emotional problems, destructive behaviors and relationship difficulties are impossible to overcome. Attempting to bring about enduring change without eliminating these “ghosts from the past” is like trying to repair the structure of a building by applying a coat of paint.


When something is painful or disturbing it slams into awareness and leaves a lasting impression. Even when the experience is finished, deeper parts of the mind may continue to respond as if the disturbing event is still occurring. Even experiences that have been consciously forgotten can continue to exert a negative influence. This may affect emotions, thinking, relationships, behavior and even health.


The subconscious controls emotions, desires, memory, habits, thoughts, dreams, and automatic responses. One may consciously understand the value of eliminating problematic emotions, thoughts, or behaviors but unless the subconscious mind is reached, enduring change is unlikely. By engaging the subconscious mind and eliminating the ongoing influence from troubling past events, blocked energy is released, healing takes place, and change is automatic. Negative habits and painful emotions are replaced by positive actions and feelings of well being. Blocked energy is released. Healing takes place. Desired change is automatic and lasting.


“Beyond theory, beyond technique to the essence of healing itself.”
Stuart Sinoff, MD, Board Certified Neurologist

“Rapid Resolution Therapy painlessly and completely heals the invisible wounds of trauma.”
Jason Quintal, PhD, LCSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

“This psychotherapeutic approach is more effective than all others combined. Your life will improve immeasurably.”
Robert Schenck, PhD, Psychologist

“Rapid Resolution Therapy really gets to and shifts core issues so that symptoms disappear. This powerful and respectful process causes quick, dramatic, and lasting change.”
Gloria Payne, PhD, LMFT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

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